Course curriculum

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    • Welcome to Goddess Reborn!

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    Live Call Replays

    • Week 1 Replay

    • Week 1 Workbook

    • Week 1 Exercises to Play With

    • Week 2 Replay

    • Week 2 Workbook

    • Week 2 Exercises to Play With

    • Week 3 Replay

    • Week 3 Workbook

    • Week 3 Exercises to Play With

    • Week 3 Feminine Archetypes Notes

    • Discover Your Top Needs

    • Discover Your Love Languages

    • Week 4 Replay - Money and Abundance

    • Week 4 Workbook

    • Week 4 Exercises to Play With

    • Week 5 Replay

    • Week 5 Workbook

    • Week 5 Exercises to Play With

    • Week 6 Replay

    • Week 6 Workbook

    • Week 6 Exercises to Play With

    • Week 7 Replay - Lingerie Party & Integration

    • Week 7 Workbook

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    • Playlists

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    Reprogramming Tracks & Meditations

    • 5 Minute Relaxation Before Sleep

    • Ancestral Pattern Healing

    • Autumn Equinox Meditation

    • Awaken Your Womb and Sensuality

    • Awareness Audio

    • Clear Shame, Guilt and Fear Around Desires

    • Combine Visualisation and Gratitude

    • Feminine Activation

    • Ground Yourself Meditation

    • Inner Child Healing

    • Let Go of Attachment and Align with Peace Meditation

    • Magnetise Your Soul Desires

    • Manifest Money Meditation

    • Menstruation Meditation

    • Money Body Scan

    • Opening to Receiving and Manifesting Abundance

    • Receiving

    • Reclaiming Your Wildness

    • Sexual Energy through the Chakras

    • Shadow Work Track

    • Visualisation Meditation

    • Yoni Activation Meditation

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    Subconscious Reprogramming Sleep Tracks

    • Know Your Self Worth 8 Hour Subconscious Reprogramming Sleep Track

    • Money and Abundance Manifestation 8 Hour Subconscious Reprogramming Sleep Track

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    • Anger Release

    • Limiting Beliefs Release

    • Limiting Beliefs Worksheet (do with the audio)

    • Vaginal Dearmouring Practice

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    Abundance Transmissions

    • Abundance Energetic Transmission

    • Let Go and Surrender Energetic Transmission

    • Overcome Fear Energetic Transmission

    • You Have The Power Motivational Energetic Transmission

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    Feminine Energy

    • Being Moved Embodiment Practice

    • Feminine Energetics

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    Connecting to Your Sexuality

    • Tantric Embodiment Practice

    • Reawakening The Connection To Your Body

    • Embracing Your Inner Sex Goddess

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    • Pleasure & Self-Pleasure

    • Melting Away Shame

    • Orgasmic Embodiment Practice

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    Reclaiming Your Sex

    • Sex

    • Releasing Past Lovers and Liberating Your Inner Sex Goddess

    • Orgasmic Manifestation

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    Activating Your Sexual Turn ON

    • Orgasm, Sexual Arousal and Being Turned ON by Life

    • Sensual Eating Practice

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    Throat Chakra Activation

    • Short Throat Chakra Opening Practice

    • Self-Expression and Communication

    • Sounding and Throat Activation Practice

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    Exploring Eroticism

    • Meeting Your Shadow Desires and Edges

    • Erotic Blueprints

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    Creating Polarity

    • Feminine and Masculine Energies and Creating Polarity